Wednesday, July 22, 2009

G.I. Joe

I am so excited about this movie!!!

Not only does it look like a great action flick; but it has the HOTTT Channing Tatum

My other new addiction

This is my other new addiction! Beyonce is the fucking BOMB! Turn it up and enjoy!!!

Taylor Swift

I am so addicted to Taylor Swift right now. I have her newest CD playing nonstop in my car, and I can't get her songs out of my head! So now, when Hanna and I are in the car, she is now CERTAIN that Taylor Swift sounds like Elmo!!! Yes, you just read that correct! She thinks we're listening to Elmo. I don't really see the comparison, but hey, kids have a whole different mindset!

Here is her newest video and my latest addiction!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The house is just about a done deal!

I found out today that everything went GREAT on the home inspection and the appraisal! The appraisal come back at the asking price (which was also the sold price). The home inspection only wanted a couple of things taken care of that are very inexpensive. I'm still so excited about moving on but am also freaking out about the moving on part. I realize that sounds a little weird, but this is my home. From the backyard that I have worked so hard and love to the front yard I have cursed so many times while pulling weeds. I love my home so much, but I am doing what is best. I'm entirely ready to move on from the whacked out past 9 years, but not from MY home.
I took Hanna over to the new apartment community today so she could see where we will be living. She was so excited! As we pulled in to the front of the complex, she said, " Biya, oh! This is so beautiful! I love the trees!!" We went inside the office and signed some paper work and she talked everyone's ear off. Telling them all she can't wait to swim in that pool, and she'll be back after her nap to swim. We all had a good laugh. Then, we walked out to the fishing pond located near the office. There were ducks and geese all over the place, and she had a blast chasing them. I really need to get a camera so I can get pictures of these precious moments.
I feel so happy and exited about the future. It makes me feel even better to know that Hanna is looking forward to the new place. The future is looking bright!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

apartment hunting

Well I still haven't made any progress with the job search. I have been trying, but haven't had any interviews yet. Thank God for unemployment & the house selling so quickly! The only good thing about not having a job is that it allows me the time to hunt for a new home for Hanna & I. The last 2 days have been VERY busy! On Monday I visited 6 different apartment communities, and yesterday Tracey & I checked out another 6. I had planned to move out to the Brentwood area before becoming unemployed, but am now looking in the Antioch, Hermitage area. There have been some great places, and I like almost all of them for one reason or another. I have now narrowed it down between 2 different places. Because I don't want to skimp on the amenities, am sacrificing on the size of the place. I think the indoor pool will be enough to keep everyone happy come winter!

The goal is to sign with a new community by the middle of next week. I will have to get used to less the 1000 sq. ft. again, but at least I have a place to live! I'm so excited about the future!

New home, hopefully a new job soon, NEW LIFE!

Monday, July 13, 2009

accepted offer!!

Shortly after the open house yesterday, we received out 1st offer! They offered just under the asking price. It took a little negotiation and counter offers, but we just agreed on a price only $500 under the asking price!! This is HUGE and I'm so excited! Now I just have to get past the inspections and appraisals, and it's a done deal. The closing has been set for August 14th.
I think I may have sold my house!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Open House tomorrow

So I'm kinda freaking out a little today. I have my 1st open house tomorrow from 2-4. I have kept myself busy the last few days working out in the yard, getting everything outside ready. The house has been kept pretty clean since it has been shown so often. I have to do just a little bit more touch up painting, and really clean the floors (YUCK!), but it shouldn't take too much time. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. I need an offer!!! Also, I'm praying that the rain stays away. My backyard is a HUGE feature, and I want people to be able to see it!